Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Professional Staging Edits Clutter and Smells

Sellers with small children or pets might consider hiring an accredited professional stager (ASP) who can provide simple guidelines to help them redirect potential buyers' focus to the home's highlights as a welcoming, livable space. As per the author from The Washington Times, professional staging edits clutter, smell. A good stager knows the demographics and can calculate when a property should be staged to sell to buyers with one or more children. Homeowners with a large family, including many pets, may not recognize the disorder and accumulation of items in their homes. A stager can help them with a fresh perspective on how to rearrange, organize and get rid of unnecessary items. [Cary Lee Dailey, The Washington Times, March 30, 2007]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hello! you made a good job for what you've post on this topic..thank you for sharing this
its very informative to everyone. Keep up the good work..

Best Regards,
Freddie Aguilar
Real Estate Investment